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When one is willing to make a change,  problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks are required. (HCT) emerged out of a love for children and a desire to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.  We desire to change lives, one child at a time by providing the necessary resources that can inspire self-belief.  HCT was established in 2018 by one high school student, who is driven to take bold action to make a difference, one person at a time. Having had the opportunity to travel internationally, I have witnessed the lack of basic needs and access to education that many children face.  Many children in under-developed countries lack the basic necessities many of us take so much for granted.
I invite you to join us in making life a little better for a disadvantaged child who has the potential to grow to be better and see a brighter future.  Contact us to learn more and get involved we'd love to have you partner with us to make a change.

Who We Are

At HCT, our mission is to transform lives, one child at a time, by providing essential resources that address basic needs and foster self-belief. We are dedicated to enhancing the well-being of children in underprivileged areas of Africa through the provision of sustenance, medical supplies, and educational assistance. By channeling monetary donations, we procure these vital items in bulk and dispatch them to partnered organizations. Presently, our collaborative efforts extend to two orphanages in Ghana: Anfaani Orphanage and Potters Village. These sanctuaries embrace children who have lost their mothers during childbirth or come from families unable to provide care. Our commitment is to ensure a brighter future for these children, and by supporting our cause, you play a pivotal role in guaranteeing a better life for those in need. Recognizing that children are the leaders of tomorrow, we concentrate our efforts on nurturing their potential. Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged children, empowering them to grow into better individuals and envision a future filled with hope.

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"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"

Vincent Van Gogh

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